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tv   [untitled]    October 7, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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latest news on the week's top stories on the war between turkey and syria after four days of. suspecting the rebels there were trying to provoke foreign intervention. demands an investigation into an incident in a canadian detention center that left twenty four year old russian student clinging to life. just hours before venezuelan presidential. prospects of his reelection.
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week's top stories and the main headlines of today this is the weekly with me wrong . syria they're on the brink of war after a four day exchange of live fire right across the border fighting was triggered by the syrian side on wednesday with a mortar killing five turkish the women and children responded with artillery while this lawmakers authorized sending troops into syria if deemed necessary several mortar shells have landed on turkish soil since provoking more return fire doesn't that it doesn't want war but it warns it will retaliate against any further attack now it's not clear who's responsible for the provocations the syrian. to be under rebel control some experts suspect the shelling could be a false flag. and site intervention. you've got opposition forces they're
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there and they are desperate they are low on ammunition there and i think they would love to have turkey get into the get into the fight they're moving they've moved their headquarters from turkey into syria and that's going to set up a logistical problem for them in coordination with forces inside of turkey to bring in more ammunition and and logistics to back them up but what would be an easier way then to set up a situation where where you bring turkey into the into the fight and in order to provide that kind of sense that they need i don't rule that out. and the solace for some working there in that in that region there they're very very good at that kind of set up. well claims it did emerge this week that some
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western backed syrian rebels are planning to target jewish communities once they've toppled assad this comes as the u.s. and its allies maintain that the president must step down while they have offered no alternative several potential candidates being groomed aboard one of those defected syrian general tell us who's father is an alleged anti semite you spoke to the journalist who broke the story. he says the rebels could easily bite the hand that feeds them. but the irony of supporting the rebels who may eventually become great enemies of the west is something that's lost in the into the very eager interventionists who are pushing the west to intervene in syria the opposition interviewed a group of rebels in damascus who were holed up in various parts of damascus and there is i interviewed them and some of them a few of them who travel. afghanistan said that they had
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a big fight against the jews ahead of them and this is me because i've met people elsewhere particularly in pakistan who say that they have a fight with the jews ahead of them so they see that as the ultimate in one of the things that was particularly disturbing to me is how monarch class is being groomed as a possible replacement for us are not a lot of people know that men are classed as father. lasse is a first rate he's written a book called the marts of design which talks about the blood libel and he was smuggled out class was smuggled out of the country by french spies he is he keeps making trips to saudi arabia but not a lot of people know this history behind him and after some people should be wary of. close being groomed as a possible replacement. so i could have you with us here on r.t. today still to come for you in this program a crackdown on dissent but you don't hear much about police getting tough on the
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opposition in bahrain tear gas and water the way the one rest in the gulf grows by the day. a twenty four year old russian student remains in critical condition after being brutally beaten inside a canadian detention center almost two months ago the news that was arrested after here those three threatened another student russia has since demanded a full investigation and punishment for those behind the attack r.t. of course one of polly has the latest on this. a trip to study english in canada gone horribly wrong twenty four year old denise teller cough arrived in calgary in june eager to learn about the country and make new friends it was at this language school those friends would quickly turn to enemies with a misunderstanding over a girl she was charged with making threats and placed in calgary's remand center actually we're going to play like you were only. you know you don't know larry you
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know. that you know. something i mean. i don't know why it was just a big misunderstanding while his family in moscow tried to scrape together the bail money things took a turn for the worse cellmates brutally attacked him jumping on his head repeatedly after a month on a life support machine denise recently regain consciousness doctors say he's in a vegetative state his adoring family is devastated. not eating i mean. you have been there already and you grew into it if you. call your worries go our way or you know very slowly or. the charges that denise faced have now been dropped which in turn meant the detention center was no longer responsible for his medical bills leaving his family facing
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a financial nightmare on top of the emotional one local media campaigning to raise funds for denise's ballooning medical bills. or. action. all year or. two gold bull or oil. all the general or. all or all all. denise isn't the only victim to emerge from this facility last month another man christopher kirk suffragette a lacerated spleen and a broken nose after a similar attack while in custody. very often in sharpening or we were and it's been our lot but. you know when we were dating in groups. in the war i mean. how are the young man so eager to find out about life in canada studying
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english like he didn't initially set out is now a distant prospect fast he'll once again have to learn the basics how to walk feed himself and speak his native russian denise's family can only hope that the country where this brutal attack took place provides him with the help he so desperately needs polly boyko r t. i want our website are right now at r.t. dot com israel faces a multi million dollar lawsuit over the deaths of during its two thousand and ten raid on a turkish aid flotilla. crossing grant hopes russia's space agency nasa planning an extended mission on the international space station all of this in a bid to get one step closer to the red planet all the details on our website. well twenty first century socialism or putting an oil dependent economy on liberal
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rails the dilemma for voters in today's presidential election in venezuela and the current leader and his young democratic rival are neck and neck in opinion polls and as a couple of reports that vote not only crucial for the nation but apparently for that of the entire continent. well the stakes could not be higher as venezuelans take to the polls to determine who will leave their country for the next six years at one end as president incumbent president hugo chavez was represented a radical change for venezuela and the region as a whole under his so-called twenty first century socialism policy is what this is meant as a nationalization of certain industries as well as the use of venezuela's revenues from oil exports to really focus attention on some of the poorest segments of the population here at the same time venezuela is plagued with a high crime rate one of the highest in the world as well as corruption and these are just some of the issues that have been seized on by the opposition candidate and the previous he's a forty year old very wealthy businessman who criticize the country's economic
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policies now he's also promised to improve relations with the west now critics say and fear that he would really represent a radical shift for the country in the sense that he could impose austerity programs and possibly roll back some of those popular economic social justice missions that hugo chavez has put into place now the results of this election will be significant far beyond this country's borders we have to keep in mind that venezuela has the world's largest proven oil reserves and the winner will get to determine just how to use this multi-trillion dollar assets the likes of the u.s. wants access to that as well as black gold they aren't likely to get it under a chavez administration the president has promised to ramp up production and reduce his country's dependence on the western markets by doubling crude exports to asia according to chavez as a new world order but the west is just going to have to get used to it but the. petroleum five countries which possess the majority of reserves. are russia iran
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saudi arabia iraq. apart from oil there's a political side to the issue that is. the world would be dominated by washington but it. still would not a world power if you ask my victory in this election is do you. it could only be dangerous striving to dominate the world now again the last time venezuelans took to the polls to vote for their president was six years ago there is massive excitement here both candidates have called on supporters to come to the streets early even hours before the polls opened it's a very festive mood people are very excited about this opportunity to really have a strong say about which direction they want their country and their region to go on and we will of course keep you updated throughout the day on these developments party and the captain up in caracas venezuela. week of on rest and being with clashes between police and undo your government protesters
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authorities are cracking down almost daily on the opposition that's still calling for more rights and to discrimination on monday the country is caught up hill jail terms for nine medics who helped to treat pro reform campaign it's a day later demonstrators threw petrol bombs and stones at security officials following a funeral for an activist who died in custody of alleged mistreatment this friday police dispersed crowds of dissenters with water cannons and tear gas from the sunni monarchy has been suppressing the opposition for twenty months now with almost eighty deaths overall the crackdown of those covered explicitly in last year's documentary made by the now former c.n.n. reporter. is only domestically explains why the truth about bahrain is so scarce and. very able to kind of dodge our minders and sneak into some of the villages and actually see these atrocities patients who'd run out of the hospitals that were shot up with birdshot ambulance drivers who were beaten and as we were heading back
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out of these villages we were violently detained by security forces in bahrain about twenty masked men with machine guns who then tried to erase all the video that they found and luckily my female producer and i were able to hide some disks in our broads and we were able to actually get out of the country with this content so you can imagine bahrain surprise. when we got back to the us and this content was airing on c.n.n. and right after that is when the phone calls started coming into the network complaining about me and trying to get my coverage off the air brain is paying c.n.n. to create content that shows bahrain in a favorable light even though c.n.n. says this content you know is editorially independent it doesn't see it can affect that what we've seen that with this documentary not airing and also with the constant struggle i had at c.n.n. to get bahrain coverage accurate foreign coverage of the human rights abuses on air while i was there what c.n.n. is doing is they're essentially creating what some people have termed infomercials
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for dictators and that's the sponsored content that they're airing on c.n.n. international that's actually being paid for by regimes and governments and this violates every principle of journalistic ethics because we're supposed to be watchdogs on these governments we're not supposed to allow them to be paying customers as journalists. all right he's covered you live in the heart of moscow still on the way for you a georgian dream comes reality as the country's opposition bloc secures a crucial victory over the ruling party forcing the president saakashvili to go on the defensive. plus the u.s. crusade thousand strong peace rally ignores threats sets out to reach pakistan's most troubled region the story in detail. in just a couple of minutes. it's
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perched atop a jaw drop and the view from the tobolsk rubble and stretches as far as the all i can see. for a city to siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed but a chance a bear in the railway but the polls. a spiritual center. scenes like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of all the docs worshipers of themselves and blessid will to commemorate the baptism of jesus. in the fifteen eighty s. the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies the balls to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic hub siberian fire was the oil of its time bringing in
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a third of all russia's state revenue put the location head of the says but the russians are the russian crowds who lead a revolt against the czar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists will stand here and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also serves up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they love the fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves whilst leaving the ordinary normal countryside life style they even have. but within the yeah and his family would be dead.
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good luck. to believe. anything. to teach me. this is why you should. only. critique three. three. three. three. three. three.
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three. times. thanks for joining us here on r.t. today this is the weekly with me. and the u.s. presidential candidates barack obama and mitt romney they certainly clashed over the economy and the role of the government this in their first debate this week polls showed romney overwhelmed the incumbent obama. said his rival is unfair. for of quote trickle down government bamma said romney would bring the nation back to bush era economic policies of the us president has a slight edge in the polls but is vulnerable to criticism of a weak growth on employment and health care reform rocky anderson a presidential candidate for the justice party things vote has a lacking a real choice of any place i left the democratic party and helped form the justice
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party because now the republican and democratic parties are simply while they have a stranglehold on our electoral system from the stage of getting on the ballot all the way through the debate process and they have both been bought and paid for by the same special interest we have a slew tock receive not a democracy in the united states where our government is up for sell to the highest bidder romney would spring us along the same path that led to the economic disaster in two thousand and eight with huge tax cuts for the wealthy an enormous deficit low employment rates and president obama has a pathetic record he's the only president that has presided over three years of unemployment of over eight percent that absolutely can be changed which we know that that's what the american people want it's simply that we don't have those
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elected to office that are willing to take on the special interest. now hundreds of pakistanis joined by foreign peace activists marching through the country in protest against u.s. drone strikes the convoy led by cricket legend on the opposition front run him run on is heading south to waziristan it's a region plagued by insurgency and most frequently targeted by american missiles this despite warnings from pakistan's taliban militants the protesters could be targeted by suicide bombers political activist believes the rally though has the full support of the people. the lords the grand jury go out of that region has welcomed in india it would be only an assistance that is being provided by the government a box which does not want or been this up to exposure because for the past five years they've been hiding the fact that zones have been attacking this region on the on the public front they actually deny it but on privately behind the doors of
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the us government they actually accept the fact just a simple attack on us of the energy and unfortunately for the last five years our government has actually bought into the american war on terror at the american war it has now become our war and they should be should catch on all of these terrorists that are doing it but unfortunately not able they're not able to handle the economic affairs of the country let alone this terrorism issue that has been the fallen. into the aussie world up there we're go we'll start with south korea which is just an alice in agreement with us which allows it to possess missiles capable of reaching north korea the previous arms with washington restricted souls of bolivia to develop or deploy long range rockets making many targets in the communist state out of reach now this could possibly raise the tensions in the asia pacific region as parts of japan and china are now also for the souls range. the filipino government has reached a preliminary agreement with the country's biggest muslim rebel group president
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benigno aquino has. the deal which will result in the creation of a new tunnel most region in the country's muslim dominated south before the end of his term in two thousand and sixteen details though yet to be discussed by both sides but this does however mark a virtual end to forty years of conflict which is claimed the lives of over one hundred and twenty thousand people. israel claims a drone shot down over its territory on saturday is of iranian origin the unmanned plane entered israel's airspace from the south and was reportedly heading towards the dimona nuclear reactor for surveillance israeli officials called the incident a potential act of terrorism in the past similar missions have been carried out by the lebanese militant group hezbollah. i mine is in south africa have rallied against the dismissal of twelve thousand of their colleagues they were sucked off of staging a strike the money better pay and conditions the protesters are also mourning
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miners killed by police in brutal clashes the began two months ago so far at least forty eight people have died in the ongoing rest. mass protests have taken place in several cities across italy as people continue to vent their anger over intensifying spending cuts protesters gathered in venice on saturday demanding an immediate referendum on independence from rome as follows a series of bombing clashes between students and riot police that saw several officers injured earlier this week professor. who separatist party organized the venetian rally believes that with biting cuts only getting worse the floating city will be much better off on its own. or in a situation worse than a colony because there's a worse once they get x. three in italy it's the highest in the world and our services so far. are extremely poor we have about twenty billion nice enough for all modern regional
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resources each year and that some bearable and these thieves a couple days ago there was a siege of say mark spell powered by four workers and there's this huge waste and hearing van it so it's it's almost explosive sold today we had thousands of people who have gathered in krakow there are regional government for sure in italy we're not the only one there it's really in sort of the in you know i have strong movements for a florist who are the best organized but soon after i you know it's going to have could go either region serenely. you're watching r t the opposition in georgia still celebrating after resting the majority of seats in parliament away from the ruling party in monday's vote at the georgian dream bloc secured more than half of the votes or president saakashvili has allies barely topped forty percent as artie's alexia the shift key reports the leaders or thirty has been rocked. it was
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a jubilation like never before seen and believe it felt like georgia had won the world cup. their win was not yet been found but thousands took to the streets to celebrate supporters of it it was this in particular that in central square policing played out in the exit poll results suggest that their party could be the various in the parliamentary elections something hardly any one of them we haven't checked it out months ago last year the ruling party's rating was at seventy percent and nobody could challenge that so confident was saakashvili that he amended the constitution granting more powers to the prime minister a position many predicted he would eventually feel himself little did he know he was digging his own hole won't he move this changes to the constitution does it count as a dream that any more or less see the parliament these are the majority of. it that's a little less flair however this situation did not come out of nowhere prison
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torture tapes released in september hit saakashvili the hardest thousands took to the streets as allegations emerged that he personally ordered the torture and filming of these atrocities and now the president could even lose his job with the possible next prime minister but really already making his intentions clear. this man's ideology has established a climate of lines of violence and torture it would be good if he submitted his resignation rather than a starting various procedures to force him to resign saakashvili did concede defeat live on air but the question remains whether he's really ready to let go of the reins it could be a dramatic change or it could be the herald of a period of infighting talking to his admission of defeat in a sense perhaps shows that he's a wounded animal but the would be still a fear that he would use the prerogatives of the president to try to split the opposition remember it's a rather disparate group of people who have been primarily united. stability to
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saakashvili it wasn't only the prison tape scandal which brought saakashvili fortress of power down say experts corruption among elites daunting poverty and playing hardball with russia all contributed the new ruling party says it will address these issues in the first place but as the party in continues in billy see georgia is bracing itself for a new era and the first peaceful transition of power in its post soviet history. of ski r.t. reporting from belief in georgia and in just a couple of minutes here at r.t. we speak a lot of robert skidelsky an award winning economist and historian to get his take on how to mend britain's flailing economy just a second. well the true science technology innovation called the list of elements from around
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russia we've dumped the future coverage wealthy british style. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. to . be soon which brightened. some move from funds to impressions.
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means crude stunts on t.v. dot com. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.


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